Conseils pour améliorer les annonces YouTube de votre entreprise YouTube est l'une des plateformes les plus populaires pour le contenu vidéo, avec des millions d'utilisateurs à travers le monde. En conséquence, les publicités YouTube sont devenues un moyen de...
Conseil en Médias
Industrie automobile : améliorer l’efficacité des annonces
This article explores the importance of understanding consumer behaviors in the automotive industry and how it can help companies improve the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. With research showing that purchasing a car is a group decision, automotive companies need to take a more holistic approach to their marketing efforts and target not just the individual who will be driving the car, but also their family members who may be involved in the decision-making process. In addition, building brand loyalty is crucial for companies, as existing car users are more likely to purchase a new vehicle. By leveraging Marketing Mix Modelling and Data Science, companies can analyze customer data and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly, and Indaru specializes in providing these services to help automotive companies stay competitive in the ever-evolving industry.
Comment les CDP aident à mieux comprendre les clients
A Customer Data Platforms (CDP) is a powerful tool for businesses to collect, unify, and analyze customer data from multiple sources in real-time. With a CDP, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ behaviors, preferences, and interactions, which can help them improve customer experiences and drive revenue growth.
Un outil puissant : la reconnaissance d’images
Reconnaissance d'image : un outil puissant pour la publicité sur les réseaux sociaux La publicité sur les réseaux sociaux devient de plus en plus compétitive et les spécialistes du marketing recherchent constamment des moyens d'améliorer leurs techniques de...